University of Michigan Salary Visualizations

This project contains a rough collection of visualizations of University of Michigan salary and employment data, based on year. I might assume anyone trying to find employment with the University of Michigan may want to search a position's stated title in the most current year to have an understanding of the actual salary range of the position.


The base dataset was constructed by downloading the annual salary disclosure reports from the University of Michigan Human Resources website, located at the "Find Existing or Standard Report" page. Raw data was extracted from the salary table provided in the report via Tabula, and exported to CSV. The salary data was then formatted in OpenRefine, to be exported to CSV for use here.

These reports are constructed and managed via Observable's Observable Framework and hosted on GitHub. Contributions are welcome.


Mostly, I wanted an excuse to learn how to use the Observable Framework. I also think the general practice of obfuscating an applicant's pay range is not an appropriate practice.